Seattle Aquarium Wedding | Nicole & Colin
Nicole and Colin had a beautiful wedding at the Seattle Aquarium. It was a very loving and heartfelt event. And very funny. You can see the slideshow on Vimeo here or on Youtube here.
Edgewater Hotel wedding venue
Nicole's sister started crying after receiving a necklace.
seattle wedding photography
getting ready for wedding in the Edgewater Hotel
groom reading letter from bride
Groom waiting for first look
Groom seeing the bride for the first look at the Olympic Sculpture Park
Groom seeing the bride for the first look at the Olympic Sculpture Park
bride and groom portrait at the Olympic Sculpture Park
bride and groom portrait at the Olympic Sculpture Park
sassy look from the bride in Seattle's Olympic Sculpture Park
Bride and groom portrait on the Seattle waterfront
Bride and groom portrait on the Seattle waterfront
bride portrait
seattle wedding photographer cory parris
wedding portrait in the seattle aquarium
Otters and bride and groom
Wedding photography at the Seattle Aquarium
Seattle Aquarium wedding ceremony
groom celebrating their wedding
bride and groom kissing after their wedding
Bar at the Seattle Aquarium wedding
wedding reception setup at Seattle Aquarium
beautiful centerpieces at the seattle aquarium
ring photo with a starfish
crying at a speech
first dance at the Seattle Aquarium
dancing at the seattle aqurium
Dance in front of the Seattle Aquarium tank