Kelly & Nash at Floral Hall in Everett!

Kelly and Nash took the fact that it poured down rain all day on their wedding day in August in stride. They had planned an outdoor ceremony at the Mukilteo lighthouse, which is now surrounded by a beautiful new park. Weather reports didn't look good, so they scrambled to get tents for their guests set up. About an hour before the wedding, the fact the rain was blowing sideways into the tents at their beautiful waterfront location necessitated a move of the ceremony to the reception site on the fly. All of this and it ended up being a beautiful, heartfelt ceremony. 014.jpg Kelly arriving to her their home from the hairdresser.

024.jpg The traditional American and Indian dresses





178.jpg Nash at work re-organizing the day.

194.jpg You can (normally) see the beach from their deck. On this day, you can see the storm!

237.jpg Kelly waits in the car for the wedding to start. It was slightly delayed by the fact that the car Nash was riding in broke down and he needed a lift.

318.jpg On the stage during the ceremony.


529.jpg A guest catching bubbles in a delicious way!



608.jpg It was a fun and entertaining day. Kelly and Nash embraced the whole change of plans thing and rolled with it. Very cool.

You can see the slideshow here!